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Friday, January 22, 2010

Find of the Week

Do you love guacamole?

I do. I love it a lot. But it can kinda suck to make. It's not hard to make, but it is hard to find perfect avocados. It seems like if I want to have guacamole for dinner, the grocery store only has bright green avocados, and if I don't want to make it for a few days, they have dark brown discounted ones. It's tough. Sam's carries this guac. Inside are four packages. I opened one yesterday and put the other three in the freezer. The whole thing is around $10, which if you think about it, is a better price than making it yourself. The package claims that 15 Haas Avocados are inside. At around $1-$2 each, it's a way better deal. It tastes wonderful too.


  1. I really like guacamole but Ben hate it. I was at Sams and saw this and wanted to buy it but it looked like so much.... your thoughts?

  2. scratch that. I just reread your blog... it comes in 4 packages? It looked like one big one at the store. I may just have to travel back to get it. :) another day of course

  3. Yes! It is in four smaller packages. I put three in the freezer so I wouldn't be able to eat all of it at once!



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