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Monday, March 11, 2013

Twitter Archives

Natalie posted the other day that you can now download your Twitter Archives, so of course I was insanely interested to see what some of my first tweets were back in 2010.

Here are a few:

1-11-2010 "A squeaky rail gets it done". Advice from my mother.
1-12-2010 Correction: My mother's advice was "A squeaky wheel gets it done...you know because they want you to shut up."

Proof that you do become your mother. Before I saw that my mom said it, I thought for sure it was from my grandma.

1-12-2010 Wisdom from Nanny: "It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, but she was on the right track".

I guess it's something we grow into?

1-20-2010 My favorite thing I've heard this week: "I know your mom Pam...she's married to your dad."

No idea who said that, but it's still pretty funny.

1-21-2010 The song "We Laughed Until We Cried" makes me cry every time I hear it.

Still true.

2-12-2010 Me: "Do you need anything from the store?" Josh: "Not unless you want to pick up a birthday card for yourself."

Oh babe.

2-17-2010 I love how my neighbor Nanny doesn't need a cup of sugar...she needs a can of kidney beans.

Also, we went to Florida once and she packed beef stew meat in her carry on. True story.

2-25-2010 Nanny's lesson on fighting: "Make sure you get the three course meal, and if you can't, at least make sure you get a sandwich."

I'm this close to starting a "Sh!t My Nanny Says" Twitter account.

4-2-2010 "If we could buy her for what she's worth, and sell her for what she thinks she's worth, we'd be rich". Another Nannyism

This must be around the time that me and my cousin Nick started appropriately calling them Nannyisms.

4-6-2010 Just took my first polygraph test. I guess I'll find out once and for all if I am the mother.

This just made me laugh out loud.

4-16-2010 My boss just told me that 80% of child molesters and rapists are left handed :/

That was my third day of work. Seriously, my first day was 4/13.

6-13-2010 Only my Nanny would consider beef as something she'd need to take in her luggage for vacation.


I have to stop myself or I'll be at this computer all day.


  1. I need to do this! I think you should make this a weekly post. Your tweets are hilarious.



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