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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Meet Al

It's official: I'm Crazy Animal Lady.

This is Al:

Al is an Angora Rabbit. A coworker came up to me last Monday and told me he had a rabbit he needed to get rid of because his other rabbits were ganging up on this one, and not being very nice. I told him I'd see if my parents would be interested in the rabbit since they have the boys. My parents were not interested and Josh told me to go ahead and take the rabbit since I've kind of wanted one for a while. Don't believe me, click here, here, and here

So my awesome husband says, go ahead and take the rabbit, we'll set up a pen for it. Well I'm super pumped about naming ANYTHING, and right away, my first priority was to come up with a name for the rabbit. Our friend Kory got a dog from us once, and I named him Tyrannosaurus Rex before Kory had a chance to name him. (He calls him Diesel, but we all know what his real name is). I was a little bummed because I thought it would be cool to name my rabbit that. Josh suggested Allosaurus, which is also a massive dinosaur. I decided that was it. That was the rabbit's name. Then Josh said "What about Alopecia?" (the medical condition in which you lose all hair) to be funny because its a super hairy rabbit. So then I still wanted to name the rabbit Allosaurus, and Josh wanted Alopecia, so the only compromise was Alopeciasaurus. But, Al, for short. This was decided before I even met the rabbit. So serious. I was a little thrown off when I met Al and found out that he is a girl. For some reason I had decided that this rabbit was a boy. And I was wrong. So she's this super cool chick with a guy's name. She rocks it though.

I'm not totally sure if she likes me or not, but I know this one loves me.
I can't even lay on the couch by myself.

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