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Monday, August 18, 2008

The Olympics

Ok, I'll talk about the Olympics. Everyone else is.

I'm not going to lie, I've never actually watched the Olympics before. Some years I'll watch the opening ceremony (for like five minutes) and then I'll be over it. Much like this year. The opening weekend, is all I watched. I watched pairs volleyball (those girls are awesome). I watched women's power lifting (whoa). I watched men's and women's gymnastics, basketball, synchronized diving, and trap shooting.

And now, I'm over it.

I haven't hardly watched any since then. I am the only person in the world who is not interested in swimming as a sport. I get it. Michael Phelps is a GOD. We all know. What I don't get, is why women think he's hot. I don't understand it. He has monkey arms and a seven foot long torso. Sorry, nothing against Michael Phelps, he's just not my type, and I don't find competitive swimming exciting.

On the other hand, I do find sprinting exciting. We watched the finals late Saturday night to see Usain Bolt (of Jamaica if you've been living under a rock) break another world record...without even trying. He is incredible. Absolutely incredible. Watching the instant replay of the final race in slow motion, you can see that he started celebrating before the race was even over, he was that far ahead of everyone else. In the semi-final race, he jogged. He was looking around and the other guys, not focused at all and won it while making it look completely effortless. They interviewed Tyson Gay from the US a few minutes afterward and he was still dying. Normally when I'm watching stuff like that I'm always rooting for USA, but with this guy, there was no way anyone was going to beat him. I just watched it to see what he did. He ran 27mph. Josh pointed out that that's speeding in a school zone. Ha ha. I mean seriously. And what a fitting name. Bolt.

So that is my recap of the Beijing Olympics. That is probably all I'll be saying about it.

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