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Monday, June 10, 2013

Dating My Husband

It is hard for me to use a babysitter. We have this well established schedule, and I would give up an incredible amount of free time in order to ensure we get a full night of sleep. I don't just mean a babysitter -- it's hard for me to let our moms watch him. It isn't that I don't think they're capable; I just don't like being away from him.

When Isaiah was first born we tried everything to keep him happy. The funniest part is, he was, and has always been, an incredibly happy baby. We discovered one day that he loved to listen to B.B. King. Around that time I saw a billboard advertising that B.B. was coming to our area. Josh's mom heard about it and said she wanted to send us on a date as long as she could babysit. How could we refuse? (Side note: he is 87 years old and still performing. He is incredible.)

I know of a few books that I was interested to read about how to keep your marriage strong after a baby. I haven't gotten around to that yet, but I'm certain all of those books say to continue dating your spouse. Here and there we've gone out to dinner or to a movie, but this was our first official planned date night.

Anyhow, as hard as it is to leave Isaiah, I know it's good for us to have time alone. Josh has been working like crazy since I quit my job (he's such a wonderful man) and we haven't really seen much of each other lately (sleeping doesn't count). And it's also good for Isaiah to spend time with his grandparents. Everyone wins. But it is still hard, because I miss him so much while we're gone. It also serves as a reminder to me that sometimes it's alright to let go of the schedule I have a firm grasp on and relax a little. I try so hard to not be rigid in planning, but sometimes it just happens naturally.

Two of Isaiah's favorite things: Sesame Street and B.B. King

What do you do with your time away from your little one?

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