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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Next Trick Is "The Ponytail"

Since I cut my hair, it has been much more challenging for me to wear it up. I spent my entire life up until this point with my hair in an elastic. Time to be a big girl now.

I love, love, love, The Small Things Blog. I found her through Pinterest, and am obsessed with her hair tutorials.

This is "The Ponytail". It may seem silly to you that I had to watch a video on how to make a ponytail, but this isn't the kind of ponytail you do to run in. This is something I can wear to work and still feel put together.
My earrings were made by a friend that I went to high school with. I'm trying to get her to open an Etsy shop, because she seriously has talent.
This ponytail is super easy, you can do it too. Click on the link above and she has a short short video showing you how easy it is to do.
And here is another detailed photo for your enjoyment. (Click the photo and it will be gigantic.)

  1. Photo collage I've had since high school.
  2. Bridesmaid's bouquet from our wedding. She was too drunk to even know she lost it.
  3. Globe I got for Christmas.
  4. A small group of my obsessive Essie collection.
  5. A rock my dad found and gave me.
  6. Josh's dolls.
  7. My new nail polish that I haven't introduced to the rest of the group yet.
  8. Scholarly books.
  9. Junk.

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  1. I love the hair-do. Also I'm glad to see what my earrings are going to look like on.

  2. You're going to love them! I do.

  3. They aren't dolls. They are statues.



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