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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jillian Michaels

Jillian scares the bejeezus (Meg said that once and I've always wanted to) out of me. She's super intense looking, and that smirk. Ugh. She makes me nervous.
Ingrid (my workout partner. Don't worry, you didn't forget, you just haven't been formally introduced...let me see what I can do about that.) has this box and we used it for the first time last weekend. I said "used" but what I meant was "Jillian kicked my butt up and down the gym with her first circuit workout in the box". The whole time we were doing it all I could think of was how much I hate her. She's a psycho for coming up with this stuff....then we're probably psychos for doing it. Ugh.

So, if you'd like to die in the gym too, check it out.

OR! if you act now:
Buy your ShakeWeight and look like this girl in only 6 minutes a day!

Without further blabbing from me, here is me and Ingrid:
Ingrid enjoys IKEA, working out, tattoos, a nice pair of slacks, and long walks on the beach. Don't get on her bad side because she can be super scary. I mean it.

You can typically find us after our workouts half-dead on a mat in a corner, or chasing down our trainer looking for good tips.We're both also on Twitter. Ingrid is @Ingrid283. Check her out.

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