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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Growing Up Isn't So Bad

Joshua and I recently bought this.
Did we love it? Yes.
Was it an amazing truck? Yes.
Was it hard to give up? Not really.

I definitely will miss it, because I looooved driving it. When I lost my job with the world's largest retailer, we decided we should probably cut back. A little extra money never hurt anyone, right? So we've been tossing the idea back and forth about getting out of the truck and trading down.

So last night, we bought this.
And I wish we had done it a long time ago. The amount of money we're saving per month from our lower payment combined with our much lower insurance payment (it isn't cheap to insure two 24 year old people on a brand new truck) is very close to being equal to the amount of my paychecks from the world's largest retailer. It is amazing.

It isn't all about the money though, I really love the Jeep. I think it's awesome, and I'm really glad we did it.

What do you think?


  1. I WANT IT!!! I love Jeeps!! My nephews will be very jealous when I tell them! :-)

  2. My brothers were super excited about it! They climbed all over it as soon as I got to their house! Must be a boy thing. :) I love it too. I especially love the seat warmer in the morning!



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